A Spiritual Exercise to Stabilize in the Awareness of Being a Soul & To Receive Everything from the Supreme Soul

Sitting here quietly, I visualize I, the soul as a tiny point of Light radiating like a star or a diamond from the center of my forehead.

The form of the Supreme, too, is a point of Light, residing beyond this physical universe. This One’s Light emanates as rays falling upon the earth like an unlimited ocean of blessings for all souls.

I contemplate upon …  ask to understand the solution to… why most souls are unaware of this Divine Light and are unable to catch these rays of light and realize that they are being blessed.

 I realize that …At this point in time, souls have become deeply identified with being a body of matter. To deeply be aware of God’s Light, I must become deeply aware of my own true form of light. Then I will be able to absorb and imbibe and be refreshed by this One’s powerful rays of Light.  As we awaken to our True Identity as Eternal Beings of Light – having experiences through a physical form then God’s Light reaches us and we, in turn, can reach God’s Light.

Visualize God as an Ocean of Peace.  Experience being immersed as a point of light in this ocean of peace and feel how these vibrations of peace take you into an experience of deep peace.  

As these vibrations are flowing from the Supreme Soul into you, the soul, you are completely filled to overflowing. These vibrations begin to enter the atmosphere everywhere around you.  Eventually you emanate these vibrations, as a Helper of God, to the entire world.

These beautiful, divine vibrations of Peace, heal nature, all living beings, as well as your body!

Om Shanti means I am a peaceful soul~~~Never forget who you are! 

Stabilize in this Awareness.  Become a True Helper.

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